sreda, 24. september 2014

Middle East movie night: Omar

Omar je mlad pek iz Palestine, ki se velikokrat vzpenja čez ogromen zid, ki ločuje Izrael od Zahodnega brega. Tam se srečuje s svojima prijateljema iz otroštva Tarekom in Amjadom ter svojo ljubeznijo in Tarekovo mlajšo sestro, Nadjo. Omar je borec za svobodo in ves čas na begu. Po tem ko Amjad ustreli in ubije izraelskega vojaka, policisti aretirajo Omarja saj so prepričani, da ga je ustrelil on. Kmalu za tem pa ga prisilijo, da v zameno za svobodo za njih postane vohun. 
Vsi trije prijatelji so ujeti v vojno, kateri ni videti konca. Omarjev načrt pa je samo zaščiti svoj odnos z Nadjo, ohraniti dobre odnose s Tarekom in Amjadom ter imeti čim manj opravka s policijo.

Režiser filma Hany Abu-Assad je s filmom želel prikazati svet iz katerega je izginilo vsakršno zaupanje in kjer lahko vsako prijateljstvo ali povezovanje vodi v izdajo. Ideja za film je bila napisana v eni sami noči. 

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Omar is a young Palestinian baker who regularly climbs over the massive separation wall (dividing Israel from the West bank) to hang out with his childhood friends Tarek and Amjad and meet up with Tarek's younger sister and Omar's girl - Nadja. He's either a freedom fighter and always on the run. After Amjad shoots and kills an Israeli soldier, Omar is arrested and forced into becoming a spy in exchange for his freedom. All three friends are caught up in a war that seemingly has no end. Because of this Omar must protect his relationship with Nadja, maintain good relations with Tarek and Amjad, and stay out of the hands of the police. 

Director Hany Abu-Assad shows a world from which all trust has vanished and where every relationship carries the possibility of betrayal. He put together the idea of the film in one night.

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