Prvič po letu 1980 se je Ramadan letos začel 29. julija in bo trajal cel mesec. V tem času se muslimani postijo od sončnega vzhoda do zahoda, pri čemer se vzdržijo vseh slabih navad. Datum začetka ramadana se spreminja letno, glede na postavitev mlaja. Začetek in konec ramadana pa se razglasi dan prej.
V tem času je potrebno paziti, da imamo pokrita ramena, kolena, srednji del telesa med prsmi in pasom (dekleta, moderni crop topi v tem mesecu odpadejo) ter prsa. Velja tako za ženske kot za moške.
Muslimanom voščimo »Ramadan Kareem«, pri čemer »kareem« pomeni radodaren ali blagoslovljen, torej: blagoslovljen ramadan.
Dobrodelnost v tem času ne pozna meja. Vsi zabojniki, kjer zbirajo oblačila in obutev so napolnjeni in hkrati tudi škatle v katerih zbirajo denar.
V znak spoštovanja glasbo poslušamo potiho, na javnih prostorih ne jemo, pijemo, žvečimo žvečilnega gumija ali kadimo. Vse to v tem času velja kot žaljivo in kaznivo, za kar lahko prejmemo globo ali opomin policije. Če želimo jesti ali piti v dnevnih urah je to potrebno storiti v zaprtih prostorih ali v za to določenih zagrnjenih javnih prostorih.
V tem času se tudi ne spuščamo v konflikte ali preklinjamo, saj je ramadan mesec miru in spokojnosti.
Skoraj vse restavracije so čez dan zaprte, kar pomeni, da se lahko na večerjo odpraviš šele po 19. uri ko se konča postenje. Da vem kdaj točno nastopi konec postenja uporabljam app Ramadan Times.
V času Iftarja (»prekinitev postenja«; prvi obrok s katerim muslimani prekinejo postenje takoj po sončnem zahodu) je v restavracijah potrebno rezervirati mizo. Tradicionalno Iftar začnejo z datlji, suhimi marelicami in kozarcem zelo sladkega soka, čemur sledijo veliki obroki v krogu svojih družin in prijateljev.
Pred sončnim vzhodom imajo obrok, ki ga imenujejo Suhoor.
Po 29ih ali 30ih dneh od začetka ramadana ter postavitve mlaja nastopi Eid al-Fitr, ki označuje konec ramadana.
Postenje ni priporočljivo za bolne ljudi, nosečnice ali otroke, ki še niso v puberteti. Za njih veljajo enaka pravila kot za ostale ljudi, ki se ne postijo. Vendar pa v mnogih družinah otroci sodelujejo pri postenju.
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The first time since 1980 this year Ramadan began on 29 July and will last as usual for a one month. During this time Muslims are fasting from sunrise to sunset. They are abstaining from all negative behaviours. Starting dates of Ramadan vary annually according to the new moon. The beginning and end of Ramadan is declared the day before.
In the meantime make sure that you have covered shoulders, elbows, middle part of the body between the chest and waist (girls, do not wear modern crop tops during this month), and chest. Applies to both women and men.
During this time greetings to Muslims with "Ramadan Kareem", where "kareem" means generous and blessed, and what the total means that we wish them a blessed Ramadan.
Charity at that time knows no bounds. All containers which gather clothes are filled to the top and also boxes where they gather money.
As a sign of respect we have to listen music quietly, not eat, drink, chew gum or smoke in public places. All of this at this time is regarded as offensive and you can receive a fine or a reprimand from the police. If you want to eat or drink during daylight hours this must be done indoors or in designated public places.
During this time does not descend into conflict or swearing because Ramadan is a month of peace and tranquility.
Almost all of the restaurants are closed during the day, which means that you can go on a dinner only after 7 PM. Before that prior booking is required because all the restaurants are fully booked during iftar. Iftar literally means "to break the fast" and represents the first meal after sunset. Traditionally they start Iftar with dates, dried apricots and a glass of very sweet juice, followed by large meals with family and friends.
Before sunrise they have meal named Suhoor.
After 29 or 30 days from the start of Ramadan and upon the sighting of the new moon Eid al-Fitr signals is the end of Ramadan.
Fasting is not recommended for sick people, pregnant women, or children who are not yet in puberty. There are the same rules for them like for the other people who are also not fasting. However, in many families children also participating in the fasting.
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