Od meseca aprila do julija ni bila napisana nobena objava. Zakaj? Enostavno ni bil pravi čas pa tudi volje ni bilo ravno prave. Hkrati pa je minilo 1 leto (v bistvu že skoraj leto in pol) odkar sva šla novim zmagam naproti. Jure bi rekel "IZZIVI"! :) Naj bo še tako težko, v vsaki stvari najde izziv in zraven se mu smeje do ušes. Na nov kontinent, v novo državo in kulturo.
...so se bistveno okrepile (vsaj, če govorim zase. Jure je tako ali tako rojen matematik). Na začetku sva seveda vsako ceno iz dirhamov pretvorila v €. Sedaj pa večkrat ugotovim, da tudi drugod po tujini cene skoraj raje pretvoriva v dirhame kot v €.
Skoraj ni obiska trgovine brez, da bi kupila (vsaj) 200 g humusa. In ker zadnje čase precej težko najdem res dober humus, ga najraje pripravim sama.
Hkrati pa nama je postala arabska hrana precej blizu (seveda, če izvzamemo jagnjetino, ki mi že od nekdaj nekako ne gre v slast). In, da ne govorim o shawarmi. Tisti tapravi. Na žalost se je moje telo odločilo, da take hrane več ne bo "sprejemalo", zato lahko v nadalje o shawarmi samo še sanjam :/
Potrebno je zavedanje, da živiva v tuji državi in ne obratno. V resnici sva še dandanes na nek način turista in hkrati domačina, zato le redko mine kakšen dan, da naju ne preseneti kaj novega.
Zanimivo kako se privadiš na 50°C in 80% vlage v ozračju. Tako se ob vseh vremenskih napovedi v Sloveniji, ko se začnejo temperature dvigati tam proti 30°C in ko je v zraku že totalna panika, nasmejim od srca :) Sončna očala pa so seveda postala del vsakdana.
Hočeš nočeš, spoznaš toliko novih stvari, ljudi in vsak dan se naučiš kaj novega. In to je tisto kar te naredi močnejšega in boljšega. (Jure bi še dodal: "...in bolj pripravljenega na nove izzive").
… brez naju. Sama tega še dandanes nekako ne morem sprejeti. Rojstne dneve praznujemo preko skypa/mailov/smsov, doma se med prijatelji sklepajo nove zveze, poroke, rojstva in na žalost tudi smrti.
Življenje ne čaka na naju.
Tako kot ima tujina veliko prednosti hkrati pridejo tudi slabosti. Vedno pravim, da je povsod tako kakor si sam narediš. In, če si narediš lepo potem ne moreš pričakovati nič drugega :)
Toda kljub vsemu mislim, da se Slovenci resnično ne zavedamo iz kako čudovite dežele prihajamo. Skok v gozd, hribe, gore, na vrtu nam rastejo najlepše rože, na vrtu najboljša solata, svež zrak, 4 letni časi ... Za marsikoga samo malenkost, za nekoga drugega vse. In to je nekaj na kar pogosto pozabljamo.
In za vse tiste, ki naju sprašujete do kdaj še nameravava ostati v Dubaju? Dokler bo za naju Dubaj… (saj veste) izziv ;)
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From April to July there was no new post on our blog. Why? It was just not the right time or motivation. At the same time it has been 1 year (in fact almost a year and a half) since we moved to Dubai for new challenges (as would Jure say). No matter how difficult things are he always find challenges in them and at the same time he is smiling from ear to ear. So we went on a new continent, a new country and culture.
... have been considerably strengthened (at least if I speak for myself. Jure was anyhow born as mathematician). At the beginning we were constantly converting every price from dirhams into €. But now if we are overseas convert prices in dirhams rather than €.
There is almost no shopping without (at least) 200 g of humus. And since lately is quite difficult to find a really good hummus I prefer to prepare it by myself.
At the same time we became quite close to Arab cuisine (except for the lamb on which I do not put relish). And a shawarma. The real one. Unfortunately my body decided that such food will no longer be "accepting" so from now on I can just dream about it :/
It is necessary to note that we live in a foreign country and not vice versa. In fact even today we are in some way tourists and locals at the same time. And rarely a day goes by that there does not surprise us with something new.
Interestingly how you get used to the almost 50°C and 80% humidity in the air. And when I watch the weather forecasts in Slovenia, when temperatures begin to rise there to 30°C and when is total panic in the air I laugh my head off :)
Sunglasses are become part of everyday life.
Like it or not you getting to know so many new things, people and every day you learn something new what makes you stronger and better. Jure would add: "... and more prepared to face new challenges".
... without us. For me this is really difficult to accept. We are celebrating birthdays through skype/emails/messages; some of the friends enter into a new relationships, marriages, births and unfortunately even deaths. Life is not waiting for us.
Living abroad has a lot of advantages as well as disadvantages. I always say that everywhere is like that like you do it by yourself. And if you do well then you cannot expect anything than just beautiful :)
Nevertheless I think that Slovenians do not really realize from how beautiful country we come. We can jump into the woods, hills, mountains, sea, in the garden we grow the most beautiful flowers, the best salad, fresh air, four seasons ... For many people just everyday things for someone else everything. This is something what we often forget.
And for all of those who are asking us until when we're up to stay in Dubai? As long as Dubai will be ... (you know what) challenge for us ;) Only sky is the limit!
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