nedelja, 2. avgust 2015

#8 week in pictures

{Z lahkoto zmažem vse}.

{I would happily get fat if I could eat these all day everyday}.

{Par minut tišine samo zase}.

{There's no place quite like the mist of morning and the stillness of the water}.

{Brezglutenski bananin kruh}.

{Gluten-free banana bread}.

{Neuspeli poskus brazilskega brigadeira}.

{I was trying to make brigadeiro. This Brazilian dessert it's so
easy to make, but obviously not for me. I think it was problem
with the milk. Next time I need to take the right one. However,
"brigadeiro wannabe" that you see above, was also so good}.

{Še dobro, da obstajajo tako dobri zajtrčki}.

{Bad weather. Amazing breakfast}.

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