torek, 14. oktober 2014

Liwa desert

Večino slik za Google street view zbirajo s pomočjo avtomobila, tokrat pa je Google naredil izjemo ter jih prvič zbral s pomočjo živali, natančneje s pomočjo 10 letne kamele z imenom Raffia. S hojo po puščavi Liwa ter s kamero na grbi je poskrbela (po mnenju Googla) za najboljše ter najbolj avtentične posnetke.

Liwa se nahaja na obrobju Rub Al Khalija, ki se razteza med Savdsko Arabijo, Jemnom, Omanom in ZAE. Na sto tisoč kvadratnih kilometrih najdemo najbolj drzne peščene sipine (visoke več kot 300 m) na Bližnjem vzhodu. Najboljša značilnost Liwe pa je redno spreminjanje barve peska, od zlate do rdeče, zlasti ob vzhodu in zahodu sonca. 

Namen najinega obiska Liwe je bil mini vikend v enem izmed hotelov. Za večje podvige se bova v samo osrčje podala najverjetneje z vodičem. Saj zaradi ogromne površine te puščave obstaja velika verjetnost, da se v njej izgubiš.



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The most images for Google Street View is collected with cars, but this time Google has made ​​an exception. For the first time images were gathered with the help of animal - more specifically with the 10-year-old camel named Raffia. By walking through the desert Liwa and with the camera on the crests were made (in the opinion of Google) the best and most authentic pictures.

Liwa is located on the outskirts of Rub Al Khalij, which historically regarded as the edge of civilisation by people in the region, and extends between Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman and the UAE. In hundreds of thousands of square kilometers can be found the biggest sand dunes (more than 300 m) in the Middle East. The best feature of Liwa is regularly changing the color of sand from gold to red, especially during sunrises and sunsets.

The purpose of our visit of Liwa was (only) a short weekend in one of the beautiful hotels. For more adventures in the heart of the desert we'll hired a guide. Route in Liwa is more of an expedition than just as spot of dune-bashing, so we need to be prepared (according to experts) for the experience of a lifetime. 

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