ponedeljek, 25. avgust 2014

From the earth to the sky

Najvišjo stavbo na svetu - Burj Khalifo, so poimenovali po predsedniku ZAE in voditelju Abu Dhabija, šejku Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyanu. Po govoricah sodeč je poimenovanje stavbe povezano s posojo 20 miljard AED Abu Dhabija Dubaju, da bi rešili emirat iz dolgov. Kakorkoli... stavbo, ki je visoka neverjetnih 828 m, so odprli 4. januarja 2010. Nekaj več kot 13.000 delavcev je trdo garalo dneve in noči dolgih 6 let.

Obiskovalce, ki si želijo stavbo pogledati iz skoraj samega vrha povzpnejo v 124. nadstropje oz. na 442 m, kar je v bistvu samo polovička stavbe, ampak brez skrbi, kljub temu bo razgled čudovit.   

Priporočava, da karte rezervirate preko spleta


 {Burj Khalifo sva obiskala skupaj z Juretovim bratom Rokom}.
{We visited Burj Khalifa with Jure's "little" brother Rok}.

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The highest building in the world - Burj Khalifa, was named after the President of the UAE and ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. According to rumors the naming of the building is associated with lending 20 billion AED from Abu Dhabi to Dubai to solve the emirate out of debt. Anyway ... the building, which is a 828 meters high, was opened on 4 January 2010. More than 13,000 workers worked day and night for about 6 years to finish the job.

Visitors who want to see Dubai from the highest point, they can do that by visiting 124th floor or 442 m in the air, which is basically just half of a building.  But no worries, despite that the view would be wonderful!

We recommend that you made tickets reservation online.

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