petek, 7. februar 2014

Iz urgence k dermatologu / From ER to a dermatologist

Baje, da ni alergija na moža. Testirali sicer niso, ampak menda bi se le-ta kazala v kakšnih drugačnih stranskih učinkih. Jim verjamem :) Se hecam. Ne more imeti človek alergije na tako enkratnega človeka.

Obviously there is no allergy to my husband. They are not tested me but apparently it should be showed in some other side effects. I believe them :) I’m just kidding. It’s impossible to have an allergy on such a wonderful man.

Jure me je odpeljal k zdravniku. Namesto, da bi šla skozi glavni vhod bolnice je presodil, da bolje sodim na urgenco (??). Kljub temu, da sem glasno preklinjala, da za na urgenco pa res nisem, se on ni dal. Sem se vdala in za njim capljala kot račka.

Jure took me to the doctor. Instead of going through the main entrance to the hospital he’s considered that is better to go to the ER (??). Despite the fact that I told him that's not so bad that we have to go on the ER he didn’t want to listen to me. I gave up and followed him like a small duck.

Po rešenih formularjih so me takoj sprejeli in ugotovili, da z mano na urgenci nimajo kaj veliko za narediti, razen to, da mi razkužijo obraz!?! Iz urgence pa k dermatologu. Ker sem bila prvič v tej bolnici so naredili še hitri sistematski pregled in vmes ugotovili, da imam visok pritisk. Ja seveda! Bi bilo čudno, če ga ne bi imela, saj sem bila vsa živčna, ker sem želela izvedeti kaj točno mi je in s kakšnim zdravnikom bom imela opravka - Indijec, Egipčan, Iranec, itd. 
Če bi me še kaj dolgo pregledovali bi me brez skrbi lahko zadržali še kakšen dan na opazovanju. Imam par stvari na lagerju, ki pa po mojem mnenju niso tako zelo nujne, da bi za to potrebovala zdravnika.

After filling out forms they immediately accepted me and found that they do not have much to do with me on ER, except that they disinfect my face!?! From ER we go to a dermatologist. Because it was the first time for me in that hospital they did a quick systematic review and simultaneously determine that I have high blood pressure. Of course I have! I would be weird if I didn’t have. I was all nervous, because I wanted to know what exactly is wrong with me and which doctor I will get - Indian, Egyptian, Iranian, etc.
If the revision lasted longer they would definitely keep me for another day on observation. I admit: I have a few things in stock but on my opinion they are not so urgent that it will need doctor.

Rezultat: zdravnik/dermatolog (Egipčan) je vztrajal, da sem dobila alergijo, ker sem uporabila kakšen nov parfum. Ga nisem! Ugotovil ni pa nič novega. Predpisal mi je tablete, kremo in sirup. Za par dni sem dobra!

The result: a doctor/dermatologist (Egyptian) insisted that I had an allergy because I used some new perfume or deodorant. But I didn’t! And he didn’t found anything new. He prescribed me pills, cream and syrup. I’m ok for a few days!

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