nedelja, 21. december 2014
nedelja, 14. december 2014
Middle East movie night: The Attack
This post is also available in English below.
Čustvena zgodba govori o priznanem kirurgu arabsko-izraelskega porekla, Aminu Jaafariju, ki živi v Tel Avivu ter dela v eni izmed najbolj prestižnih izraelskih bolnišnic. Ravno v času ko mu podeljujejo eno izmed najvišjih priznanj na področju medicine, se na drugi strani mesta zgodi samomorilski napad na restavracijo, kjer umre 17 ljudi, med njimi največ otrok, ki so ravno v tem času praznovali rojstni dan.
Nekaj ur kasneje Amina pokličejo nazaj v bolnišnico, ker so v napadu našli telo, ki bi ga moral identificirati. Izkaže se, da naj bi pripadalo Aminovi ženi in da je bila ravno ona samomorilska napadalka. Policija takoj začne z zasliševanji saj obstaja sum, da je Amin sodeloval pri napadu. Hkrati pa ne more verjeti, da po 15ih letih zakona ni vedel ali slutil kakšne načrte ima v mislih njegova žena.
Odloči se, da razišče kako in zakaj je pripeljalo do tako krutega dejanja in umora. To ga pripelje nazaj v majhno mesto na palestinskem ozemlju, kjer prihaja vedno bližje in bližje odgovorom na njegova vprašanja in, ki jih mogoče niti ne želi slišati. Hkrati pa se kot Arabec sooča s problemi, saj živi in dela v izraelski družbi.
Film je režisiral Libanonec, Ziad Doueiri in zgodba ni ravno lahka. Zavedati pa se moramo, da film govori o stvareh, ki se dogajajo zelo pogosto. Hkrati pa nam da misliti, da se vprašamo kdo smo ter ali res dobro poznamo svoje partnerje ali prijatelje.
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This is emotional story about Amin Jaafari an Arab-Israeli doctor who lives and works as a renowned surgeon in one of the most prestigious hospital in Tel Aviv.
Just at the time when he receives one of medicine's highest honors, on the other side of town a Palestinian suicide-bomber kills 17 people in a restaurant, including several children who are celebrating a birthday. A few hours later, Amin is called back to the hospital to identify a body of a suicide-bomber. It turns out that the body belonged to his wife.
Early on, police immediately starts with interrogations because there is a suspicion that Amin was involved in the attack. He can not believe that after 15 years of marriage, he was unaware of his wife's intentions. He decides to investigate how and why she'd do such a cruel act of murder. This brings him back to a small town in the Palestinian territory where he gets closer and closer to the answers on his questions. At the same time he has to deal with issues of being an Arab working and living in Israeli society.
The film directed and co-written by Lebanese Ziad Doueiri is hard to watch and it’s even hard to imagine but we all know, events like this are happening very often. We also have to ask ourselves who we are and if we really know well our partners and friends.
nedelja, 7. december 2014
nedelja, 30. november 2014
Middle East movie night: Baghdad Messi
This post is also available in English below.
Hamoudi je 10-letni deček iz Iraka, ki obožuje nogomet ter Messija, zvezdo FC Barcelona. Izguba noge ga ni zaustavila pri igranju nogometa. Prijatelji mu dovolijo, da sodeluje pri njihovih tekmah, saj lahko v zameno pri njem doma na televiziji gledajo UEFA ligo prvakov.
Hamoudi skupaj s svojimi prijatelji nestrpno pričakuje začetek tekme ter glavne zvezde tekme - Messija proti Ronaldu, toda televizija se pokvari ravno na dan finalne tekme. Zato prosi očeta, da jo odneseta na popravilo v Baghdad. Vendar pot ni varna.
Film govori o ljubezni ter hkrati uči, da je včasih potrebno pomisliti dvakrat preden naredimo impulzivne odločitve. Kaj hitro nam lahko življenje steče v drugo smer kot je bilo pričakovano.
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Hamoud is a 10-year-old boy from Iraq who loves football and FC Barcelona star, Lionel Messi. The loss of one leg doesn't stop him playing football. Friends allow him to participate in their football games just under one condition that they can watch UEFA Champions League then in Hamoudi's home.
Together with friends he eagerly awaits the start of the game and the main stars - Messi against the Ronaldo. But the television breaks down on the day of final game. He asks father that they take it to Baghdad to be repaired. However, the route is not safe.
The film is about love and at the same time teaches us that sometimes is necessary to think twice before you make impulsive decisions. Life can quickly flow in the opposite direction than expected.
nedelja, 26. oktober 2014
sreda, 15. oktober 2014
Camel milk @ The Majlis Dubai
Kamelje meso sva že poskusila, zdaj je bilo na vrsti kamelje mleko. Jure pretiranega veselja nad tem ni ravno kazal, je bil pa seveda pripravljen poskusiti nekaj novega.
Pri mošeji Jumeirah najdete čudovito kavarno The Majlis Dubai. Tam sva našla vse kar sva potrebovala tisti vikend. Mir, knjige, čudovit prostor, prijazne natakarje in kamelje mleko. Začela sva s sladoledom narejenim iz kameljega mleka, jagodnim kameljim mlekom ter zaključila s Camelccinom, ki je bil (po mojem mnenju) eden izmed boljših kapučinov v zadnjem času.
Prvo mlekarno s stotimi kamelami so v Dubaju odprli leta 2006. Danes imajo več kot 3400 kamel in 250 zaposlenih. Za molžo kamel uporablajo avtomatske stroje, ki so zelo podobni tistim za molžo krav, s to razliko, da so jih morali prirediti na ta način, da kamela dobi občutek kot, da mleko sesa mladič.
Kamelje mleko vsebuje 3x več vitamina C kot kravje mleko, ima zelo malo laktoze, je polno proteinov, mineralov in ima kar 50% manj maščob kot kravje mleko.
Pričakovala sva okus podoben kozjemu mleku, kateri nama ne steče zlahka po grlu. Daleč od tega. Bila sva navdušena :)
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We've tried camel milk in the past, so now was time to try camel milk. Jure was not so excited about this idea, but was willing to try something new.
You can find a wonderful cafe The Majlis Dubai near Jumeirah Mosque. There we found everything that we needed that weekend. Peace, books, wonderful place, friendly waiters and camel milk. We started with ice cream, strawberry camel milk and finished with Camelccino, which was (in my opinion) one of the best cappuccinos in recent times.
In 2006 was opened the first creamery with a hundred camels in Dubai. Today there is more than 3400 camels and 250 employees. They are using automatic machines for milking camels, which are very similar to milking cows with one difference that they have modified hem in such a way that camel gets the feeling that calf sucking that milk.
Camel milk contains a lot of vitamin C (3 times more than cow's milk), has very little lactose, is full of protein, minerals, and has 50% less fat than cow's milk.
We expected taste like goat's milk, which we do not flow easily down the throat. Far from it. We were thrilled :)
torek, 14. oktober 2014
Liwa desert
Večino slik za Google street view zbirajo s pomočjo avtomobila, tokrat pa je Google naredil izjemo ter jih prvič zbral s pomočjo živali, natančneje s pomočjo 10 letne kamele z imenom Raffia. S hojo po puščavi Liwa ter s kamero na grbi je poskrbela (po mnenju Googla) za najboljše ter najbolj avtentične posnetke.
Liwa se nahaja na obrobju Rub Al Khalija, ki se razteza med Savdsko Arabijo, Jemnom, Omanom in ZAE. Na sto tisoč kvadratnih kilometrih najdemo najbolj drzne peščene sipine (visoke več kot 300 m) na Bližnjem vzhodu. Najboljša značilnost Liwe pa je redno spreminjanje barve peska, od zlate do rdeče, zlasti ob vzhodu in zahodu sonca.
Namen najinega obiska Liwe je bil mini vikend v enem izmed hotelov. Za večje podvige se bova v samo osrčje podala najverjetneje z vodičem. Saj zaradi ogromne površine te puščave obstaja velika verjetnost, da se v njej izgubiš.
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The most images for Google Street View is collected with cars, but this time Google has made an exception. For the first time images were gathered with the help of animal - more specifically with the 10-year-old camel named Raffia. By walking through the desert Liwa and with the camera on the crests were made (in the opinion of Google) the best and most authentic pictures.
Liwa is located on the outskirts of Rub Al Khalij, which historically regarded as the edge of civilisation by people in the region, and extends between Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman and the UAE. In hundreds of thousands of square kilometers can be found the biggest sand dunes (more than 300 m) in the Middle East. The best feature of Liwa is regularly changing the color of sand from gold to red, especially during sunrises and sunsets.
The purpose of our visit of Liwa was (only) a short weekend in one of the beautiful hotels. For more adventures in the heart of the desert we'll hired a guide. Route in Liwa is more of an expedition than just as spot of dune-bashing, so we need to be prepared (according to experts) for the experience of a lifetime.
ponedeljek, 13. oktober 2014
Let's go to New York!
O New Yorku sva sanjala že zelo, zelo dolgo. Vedno je bil zelo visoko na listi želja. Vendar je to pomlad prišel popolnoma nepredvidoma. Odločitev je padla hitro - kupila sva letalski karti, rezervirala sobo, čez par dni pa že letela na drugo stran oceana. Takšnih impulzivnih odločitev načeloma ne delava, vendar sedaj lahko rečem, da je bila to ena izmed boljših, če ne celo najboljših, odločitev v zadnjem času!
Sprehodi po Manhattnu, Central parku, mojemu najljubšemu Brooklynu,... Naj fotografije govorijo zase.
Let's go back to our spring vacation in New York. We're going through tough times. And New York was the best solution. Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, you need to laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know that everything happens for a reason. Also, this trip happened for a reason. We had to do something for ourself that time. They say that the best project you'll ever work on is you. Therefore, we did the right thing.
Being in New York is like falling in love over and over again, every minute!
{Bryant Park}.
{Grand Central Station}.
{NY Public Library}.
{Times Square as crossroads of the world}.
{High Line park}.
{September 11 Memorial}.
{Walking across Brooklyn Bridge you can enjoy views of downtown Manhattan and NY Harbor}.
{Empire State Building as the tallest building in NY}.
{Central park}.
{American Museum of Natural History}.
{Flatiron Building}.
{With Staten Island Ferry you can enjoy 25-minute free ride from Lower Manhattan to Staten Island and take amazing views of the Statue of liberty, NY Harbor and the Manhattan skyline}.
{Hester Street Fair}.
{Brooklyn Botanic Garden}.
{Columbia University}.
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