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Hamoudi je 10-letni deček iz Iraka, ki obožuje nogomet ter Messija, zvezdo FC Barcelona. Izguba noge ga ni zaustavila pri igranju nogometa. Prijatelji mu dovolijo, da sodeluje pri njihovih tekmah, saj lahko v zameno pri njem doma na televiziji gledajo UEFA ligo prvakov.
Hamoudi skupaj s svojimi prijatelji nestrpno pričakuje začetek tekme ter glavne zvezde tekme - Messija proti Ronaldu, toda televizija se pokvari ravno na dan finalne tekme. Zato prosi očeta, da jo odneseta na popravilo v Baghdad. Vendar pot ni varna.
Film govori o ljubezni ter hkrati uči, da je včasih potrebno pomisliti dvakrat preden naredimo impulzivne odločitve. Kaj hitro nam lahko življenje steče v drugo smer kot je bilo pričakovano.
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Hamoud is a 10-year-old boy from Iraq who loves football and FC Barcelona star, Lionel Messi. The loss of one leg doesn't stop him playing football. Friends allow him to participate in their football games just under one condition that they can watch UEFA Champions League then in Hamoudi's home.
Together with friends he eagerly awaits the start of the game and the main stars - Messi against the Ronaldo. But the television breaks down on the day of final game. He asks father that they take it to Baghdad to be repaired. However, the route is not safe.
The film is about love and at the same time teaches us that sometimes is necessary to think twice before you make impulsive decisions. Life can quickly flow in the opposite direction than expected.